
Coffee and 10 minutes.

In our Health Coaching, many of our patients ask us different questions related to coffee, since it is an important part of their life. Does it really wake you up? Can it be addictive?



The 10 recommended foods if you are pregnant

The sweet wait is a very special stage, but it is also full of doubts about eating. The CIME Clinic Health Coaching department gives you some tips so that you and your baby can eat in a healthy way, that is why we want to show you the 10 recommended foods if you are pregnant.

If you are already preparing to be a mother, it is best to take better control of your diet so that you can recover faster after giving birth. Anxiety can lead you to eat uncontrollably, but remember that this stage is not an excuse to eat poorly and excessively.

Experts point out that from the third month, 300 more calories should be included in the daily diet, and preferably with easily digestible foods, which contain a high content of folic acid, iron, calcium and Omega 3 fatty acids.

Our nutritionist also points out that “the important thing is that the meals are varied, nutritious, low in seasonings, with little frying and mild flavor, and that they allow to increase a healthy weight at the end of pregnancy, between 8 and 12 kilos, which favor the mother and her child ”.

The essentials

1. Eggs: Eggs contain the highest quality protein after breast milk. Why is this important? Well, because the cells of the baby's body in formation are made of proteins and your own body needs them for the growth and repair of the placenta, the uterus and your breasts. As if that were not enough, the content of the yolk of the egg will contribute to the health and development of your little one's brain.

2. Salmon: You need it for its high protein content and because it is a good source of Omega 3. Salmon is especially recommended as it is a fish with low amounts of mercury; But anyway, if you are pregnant you should consume a maximum of 350 grams a week to avoid ingesting an excess of this mineral.

3. Beans: During pregnancy your intestines slow down and you can suffer from constipation and hemorrhoids, so the fiber in the beans will be of great help. In addition, these beans are rich in iron and folate (a component that in its artificial form is called folic acid), calcium and zinc. It is suggested to accompany them with foods rich in vitamin C so that your body better absorb the iron they contain.

4. Sweet Potato: The carotenoids that give sweet potatoes their orange color are transformed in our body into vitamin A. In addition, these tubers provide vitamin C, folate and fibers.

5. Oats and whole grains: It will help you feel energetic and prevent constipation thanks to its high fiber content. Cereals like quinoa (which is actually a 'pseudocereal') will also help you stay active and very healthy.

6. Nuts: They are a snack very rich in nutrients and in Omega 3. You can eat them in small portions between meals to calm anxiety and cravings. You will see that you will feel satisfied and contribute to the health of your baby.

7. Natural yogurt: It is easier to digest than milk and, thanks to probiotics, it helps to have a good digestion and to strengthen your natural defenses. It is very important that you eat foods rich in calcium such as yogurt, otherwise, your body will extract it from your bones and teeth so that your little one does not miss it.

8. Cabbage: Cabbage has vitamins A, C and K, in addition to the essential folic acid. Get the most out of it by consuming it as fresh as possible. Now that Christmas is approaching, don't forget to include it in your garnishes.

9. Lean meats: These provide you with protein and iron, two essential nutrients during pregnancy. But since red meat can contain a lot of fat, the ideal is that you choose lean cuts such as loin.

10. Rainbow of fruits and vegetables: The different colors of plant foods indicate that they are rich in different types of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition, during the final phase of your pregnancy the baby will be able to 'taste' the food you eat through the amniotic fluid, which means that if you give it to him since he is in the belly, when he eats it during his first years he will know and enjoy more of its flavor.

It is very important to keep our diet in mind to take care of our health.


Foods that rejuvenate your skin


Tomato is one of the best defenses for the skin since it contains a powerful antioxidant called lycopene that also protects the skin from damage caused by the sun's rays. Contrary to what is believed, the antioxidant in tomato is better absorbed by the body once it has been cooked.

Ketchup and sauces

Scientific studies have shown that lycopene is absorbed much better if eaten together with fats such as olive oil. Far from popular belief, tomato sauce or ketchup is very good for your skin.


Broccoli contains components that stimulate the production of enzymes that protect and improve the skin. Researchers at John Hopkins University found that skin treated with a broccoli extract and exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays had 38 percent less redness and swelling.

Semisweet chocolate

Eating dark chocolate is proven to smooth and improve the appearance of your skin. According to a study by the University of Nottingham, the cocoa used in semi-bitter chocolate contains substances that help to counteract aging, fatigue and sleep problems.

Red meat

Despite the bad press that red meat has had for its high content of saturated fat and cholesterol, it contains ingredients that benefit the skin such as zinc and protein. In fact, recent studies claim that eating red meat is more effective than antibiotics in treating acne. It also provides amino acids: Red meat also provides very important amino acids such as glycine and proline, which stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. These amino acids can also be found in fish and cottage cheese. On the other hand, zinc is a powerful anti-inflammatory for the skin that can also be found in lentils and black beans.

Olive oil and flax seeds

In particular, alpha-linolenic acid, which is present in omega 3 fatty acids, combats dry skin, which in the long term promotes the formation of wrinkles. These acids can also be found in flax seeds, olive oil, and almonds.


Fat is a nutrient that protects all cells in the body, including those in the skin. According to a recent study from Pennsylvania State University, if you consume very little fat, the skin becomes more fragile and weak. And within the fats, what better than those that come from fish such as salmon and trout that even stimulate the repair of skin cells.

If you suffer from dermatitis

A University of Maryland clinical study showed that people with sunlight sensitivity dermatitis showed great improvement after ingesting a fish oil supplement. However, people with psoriasis have not responded in the same way to this treatment.

Green Tea

It is no secret that green tea is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties and rejuvenating effects on the skin. These effects are mainly attributed to its high concentration of catechin. Recent research has shown that two cups a day of green tea improves redness and skin damage from the sun.

Orange vegetables and fruits

Both carrot, orange and melon contain a high concentration of Vitamin A and carotenoids, which is an organic pigment found in various vegetables and fruits and helps to give the skin a tanned tone, according to an experimental study by the Bristol University.


Avocado is a creamy, green fruit with abundant amounts of essential oils and B vitamins that act as nutrients for your skin, both from the inside and the outside. Vitamin B3 is especially important for healthy skin, as it has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves irritation and redness of the skin. An avocado has 27% of the amount of Vit B3 that the body needs.


80% of the Vit A requirements. Repairs skin cells. A deficiency of Vit A results in dry, scaly-looking skin. Vit A antioxidant, fights the damage of free radicals that cause premature aging of the skin. A mango only has 70 cal / serving.


Las papas asadas, no las fritas, con la cáscara incluida, contiene una gran cantidad de cobre a tal punto que una sola papa cubre el 75% de la necesidad de cobre del organismo. Este mineral tan importante funciona con la Vitamina C y el zinc para producir las fibras de elastina que sirve de soporte a la estructura constitutiva de la piel y le da elasticidad y brillo.


Mushrooms are rich in Vitamin B. This vitamin is vital for your skin, as it contributes to tissue maintenance and repair. It also improves tissue redness caused by rosacea. In addition, Vitamin B is very important in the repair of the skin in case of wounds or burns or after a scar.


Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and plums are packed with antioxidant content. In a study recently published by the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, these four fruits contain a higher amount of antioxidants than any other food, which translates into multiple benefits to rejuvenate and improve the appearance of your skin.


Green beans are a low-calorie food that is a very rich source of silicon that, in addition to improving the skin, helps strengthen your hair and nails. Although the United States Department of Agriculture (known by its acronym in English USDA) has not yet determined the amount of silicon recommended to ingest per day, recent studies suggest that it would be appropriate to consume about 10mg daily.


If you want your skin to be free of acne, blackheads, puffiness and wrinkles, nuts and in particular, their high content of omega 3, can be your allies. Omega 3 acids, found in walnuts, help hydrate and smooth skin texture as well as protect skin from chemicals and other toxins.


Yogurt is a natural probiotic that helps improve gastrointestinal problems but also improves the appearance of your skin. According to recent research, yogurt is an excellent weapon against acne, eczema and even dandruff. The best are low-fat and low-sugar yogurts, as sugar can increase inflammation in your skin.

Water, always water

Few things are as good for your skin as water. While caffeine and alcohol dehydrate the skin, water is an element that keeps it in shape, refining fine lines and wrinkles. Water keeps the skin hydrated, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and helps rid the body of toxins. Doctors recommend drinking about 8 glasses of water per day to improve your skin and your overall health.


It is very important to keep our diet in mind to take care of our health.


How to fight the excesses in Christmas

The Christmas holidays often leave their mark on the scale: the consumption of alcohol, foods with high calorie content, abusive snacking and the abundance of foods with sugar are some of the classics of Christmas.

This lack of food control produces a nutritional imbalance, and it is necessary to be more strict with good habits but in an appropriate way. Many people want to lose weight gained in this period in two days and mistakes are often made such as the use of strict and uncontrolled diets that usually end in a "yoyo effect".

So, how do you combat the effect of Christmas?

From CIME Clinic he gives you these tips:

  • Our main and most important advice is to visit a specialist doctor so that he can study what the needs of each one are and, based on this anthropometric study, create a nutritional plan adapted to your schedules, your needs and your tastes.
  • It is forbidden to weigh ourselves every day, we do not have to obsess, we cannot pretend that the excess weight that we have gained in 20 days, miraculously disappear in two days.
  • Stopping eating is not the solution. Our body needs to eat to be able to live, stopping eating will only achieve a rebound effect in the long run, the important thing is to eat well, controlling the amounts and times of meals.
  • Think well before making a wrong decision, we must avoid eating the remaining sweets of these holidays before a moment of "anxiety", make a good healthy purchase and eliminate everything that makes us fall into temptation.
  • Drinking 1.5 liters of water a day helps the body to purify and promote the elimination of liquids.
  • Doing sports regularly, it is not necessary to go to the gym strictly, but physical activity is necessary to be in shape and achieve a healthier and more toned body. Swimming, running, or brisk walking for 1 hour a day may be the best options.

It is very important to keep our diet in mind to take care of our health.

CIME team



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Foods that fight anxiety

Food is essential not only to stay well physically but also psychologically, that is why today we want to talk to you about the foods that help us fight anxiety we have:

  • The oats.

  • Wheat and oats contain a good amount of vitamin B complex.

  • Proteins, carbohydrates, good quality fats and trace elements.

  • Dried fruits, almonds, pecans, walnuts, among others, are an excellent source of magnesium, vitamin E, protein, and potassium manganese. They help good circulation and fight hypertension.

  • Lettuce and spinach, the leaves of these vegetables have sedative properties that serve to reduce nervousness and anxiety. They also contain magnesium, which is very important to help calm your system.


A fish fillet is rich in proteins and B vitamins, which makes it
keep the tension at a good level. They are also an important source of
magnesium, which helps the nervous system and promotes relaxation of the body.

Fish has tryptophan, an amino acid that reduces stress hormones in the body.

Greek Yogurt

This dairy contains an important dose of vitamins B6 and B12, it is rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium and proteins.

It has less added sugar and the ideal is to accompany it with cereals.

These foods are necessary for the brain and to control the nervous system,
so it helps fight anxiety.


If you want more information about our Nutrition treatments, you can have a first visit to any of our clinics.

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