Aesthetic Medicine


Varicose Veins Removal with Laser

How are spider veins removed?

Vascular spiders are small endings, venous capillaries that accumulate blood and do not compromise the patient's blood circulation. Unlike varicose veins, spider veins can appear anywhere on the body or face, and with the Vasculight Laser, we can treat them all without exception.

The Vasculight laser acts on the vascular spider by increasing the temperature of the blood vessel, this increase accelerates the cell death of the vessel walls and it is reabsorbed naturally, ceasing to be visible and ending this unsightly problem.

How is the treatment?

Vasculight laser sessions can last between 10 and 20 minutes depending on the area to be treated. The patient feels a slight itching in the area of ​​application, totally tolerable and not very intense. In all treatments of varicose veins or spider veins, the use of compression stockings (medium compression) or resting averages is recommended, especially during working hours.

Post-treatment recommendations

It is widely known that the skin is the largest organ in the entire body, and is responsible for protecting us and helping us communicate with the outside environment; So it is essential that our skin is healthy. Therefore, it is important to understand how healthy skin works so you can learn to take better care of it, and that includes using products that also help you prevent future skin problems.

Dr. Manuel Rubio, Aesthetic Medical expert specializing in facial and body rejuvenation, drawing inspiration from the needs of patients who went to their clinics with poor skin quality, which caused him to limit the result of his medical work, decided to work in a medical line of skincare, with scientifically proven results, to achieve a beautiful and healthy skin, and that will help complement the aesthetic medicine treatments performed on their patients. This synergy resulted in the SUMAQ product line.

In relation to this aesthetic medicine treatment, the following recommendations are:

  • It is recommended to moisturize the skin very well after treatment.
  • It is highly discouraged to expose yourself to the sun during the two months after the session.

It is essential to be able to take care of the skin both from the inside and outside to help the result lasts longer in time, so it is advised:



The 10 recommended foods if you are pregnant

The sweet wait is a very special stage, but it is also full of doubts about eating. The CIME Clinic Health Coaching department gives you some tips so that you and your baby can eat in a healthy way, that is why we want to show you the 10 recommended foods if you are pregnant.

If you are already preparing to be a mother, it is best to take better control of your diet so that you can recover faster after giving birth. Anxiety can lead you to eat uncontrollably, but remember that this stage is not an excuse to eat poorly and excessively.

Experts point out that from the third month, 300 more calories should be included in the daily diet, and preferably with easily digestible foods, which contain a high content of folic acid, iron, calcium and Omega 3 fatty acids.

Our nutritionist also points out that “the important thing is that the meals are varied, nutritious, low in seasonings, with little frying and mild flavor, and that they allow to increase a healthy weight at the end of pregnancy, between 8 and 12 kilos, which favor the mother and her child ”.

The essentials

1. Eggs: Eggs contain the highest quality protein after breast milk. Why is this important? Well, because the cells of the baby's body in formation are made of proteins and your own body needs them for the growth and repair of the placenta, the uterus and your breasts. As if that were not enough, the content of the yolk of the egg will contribute to the health and development of your little one's brain.

2. Salmon: You need it for its high protein content and because it is a good source of Omega 3. Salmon is especially recommended as it is a fish with low amounts of mercury; But anyway, if you are pregnant you should consume a maximum of 350 grams a week to avoid ingesting an excess of this mineral.

3. Beans: During pregnancy your intestines slow down and you can suffer from constipation and hemorrhoids, so the fiber in the beans will be of great help. In addition, these beans are rich in iron and folate (a component that in its artificial form is called folic acid), calcium and zinc. It is suggested to accompany them with foods rich in vitamin C so that your body better absorb the iron they contain.

4. Sweet Potato: The carotenoids that give sweet potatoes their orange color are transformed in our body into vitamin A. In addition, these tubers provide vitamin C, folate and fibers.

5. Oats and whole grains: It will help you feel energetic and prevent constipation thanks to its high fiber content. Cereals like quinoa (which is actually a 'pseudocereal') will also help you stay active and very healthy.

6. Nuts: They are a snack very rich in nutrients and in Omega 3. You can eat them in small portions between meals to calm anxiety and cravings. You will see that you will feel satisfied and contribute to the health of your baby.

7. Natural yogurt: It is easier to digest than milk and, thanks to probiotics, it helps to have a good digestion and to strengthen your natural defenses. It is very important that you eat foods rich in calcium such as yogurt, otherwise, your body will extract it from your bones and teeth so that your little one does not miss it.

8. Cabbage: Cabbage has vitamins A, C and K, in addition to the essential folic acid. Get the most out of it by consuming it as fresh as possible. Now that Christmas is approaching, don't forget to include it in your garnishes.

9. Lean meats: These provide you with protein and iron, two essential nutrients during pregnancy. But since red meat can contain a lot of fat, the ideal is that you choose lean cuts such as loin.

10. Rainbow of fruits and vegetables: The different colors of plant foods indicate that they are rich in different types of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition, during the final phase of your pregnancy the baby will be able to 'taste' the food you eat through the amniotic fluid, which means that if you give it to him since he is in the belly, when he eats it during his first years he will know and enjoy more of its flavor.

It is very important to keep our diet in mind to take care of our health.


10 tips for a healthy and happy pregnancy

To have a good pregnancy we not only have to look at physical health. Being healthy is essential at these times, but also being mentally calm, prepared and happy. That is why we are going to give ten keys to a healthy and happy pregnancy, in which mind and body combine in harmony to welcome a new member into our lives.

1. Eat and drink healthy during pregnancy

The diet must be varied and balanced. The important thing is to eat foods rich in nutrients and vitamins such as folic acid, iron, calcium and iodine, but not fat. The diet must be varied based on vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products and legumes, without forgetting the daily protein intake of meat and fish.

A healthy diet includes maintaining correct hydration. Drinking enough water and milk that provides us with calcium is essential. We can also take juices, better natural and unsweetened. Of course, let's forget about alcoholic beverages and coffee.

2. Take the recommended vitamin supplements

To complement a healthy diet, the doctor will recommend certain vitamin supplements that include folic acid, along with other vitamin and mineral supplements that are also beneficial for pregnancy, such as iron, iodine, calcium ... In this way we help the fetus to develop properly avoiding deficiencies that They could cause complications for both the baby (low weight, spina bifida…) and the mother (anemia, pre-eclampsia…).

3. Exercise during pregnancy

For our well-being and an ideal weight gain, it is essential to perform physical exercise appropriate to our state. Whether it's swimming, yoga, walking, the Pilates method ...

By carrying out a moderate and constant exercise we will improve our cardiovascular and muscular condition and promote postural correction. All this will provide the pregnant woman with a better general physical condition and will allow her to face the labor of pregnancy and delivery with less risk.

4. Go to medical visits

Periodically visit the gynecologist to do the corresponding tests and obtain adequate prenatal care. In this way we will monitor both the baby's health and ours, having the possibility of consulting the specialist with all our doubts and fears, as well as talking about our birth plan. The prenatal tests will give us peace of mind, they will help us “get closer” to the baby and with the ultrasounds we will have their first images to remember.

5. Wear appropriate clothing

We must wear comfortable clothing (including shoes), appropriate to the increase in weight and volume that we experience. This will help the blood circulate better, our movements are correct and not forced and the skin remains healthy. It's not about wearing potato sacks, as being pregnant is fortunately no longer at odds with being fashionable, and many stores sell beautiful maternity clothes. Heels can wait, but feeling comfortable and beautiful with a nice "wrapper" favors an important mental well-being at this time.

6. Pamper our minds during pregnancy

If we take time to take care of our body, we also have to save time for our relaxation and the care of our mind. It is not only the body that is more vulnerable during pregnancy. Finding our peace of mind and doing relaxation exercises at home will help us feel better. We do not have to park the activities that we like such as going to the movies, reading, going out to the country, crafts ...

7. Take care of our skin

During pregnancy it is essential to apply protective sun creams to avoid spots on the skin and burns. Due to the action of hormones, the skin of the pregnant woman suffers alterations such as hyperpigmentation. Anti-stretch mark creams are also important, which prevent the appearance of these scars with the stretching of our skin, with special attention during the final months, when the skin is stretched at a very fast rate.

Moisturizing the whole body after bathing or showering gives us a moment of relaxation. Gentle massages after exercise help us feel better. Of course, external hydration must be supplemented with internal hydration, drinking plenty of fluids as we have already mentioned in the point regarding nutrition. All combined will increase our well-being by feeling more cared for and beautiful.

8. A good rest during pregnancy

Sleeping and resting what the body asks of us is very important. Tiredness and sleep can accompany us from the first moment as one of the first symptoms of pregnancy, and hopefully they will disappear. But it is more than likely that we will feel very tired and sleepy again in the final phase of pregnancy. It is what the body needs, and we must listen to it, resting as much as possible, without forgetting that moderate exercise will make us rest and sleep better.

9. The childbirth preparation classes

Attending childbirth classes can be very beneficial for both our physical and mental health. Connecting with other pregnant women and sharing experiences opens our minds to discover that we are not the only ones who have doubts or fears.

They also help us to acquire knowledge and awareness about the changes in our body, knowing concepts about the phases of labor, baby hygiene or breastfeeding will help us feel more prepared for the changes that are coming. Through knowledge, an important self-confidence is generated thanks to security, and being a father begins to be lived now. As far as possible, it is good to share these classes accompanied by the couple.

10. Communicate with the baby

Talking to the baby, communicating with him, putting music on him, will make us feel closer, preparing us for the moment when he really reaches our arms. Know how its evolution is going from month to month, how it is growing in our womb, write a letter to it, keep a diary of our pregnancy, respond to its kicks ...

All these simple activities will make the life that is brewing in our womb fill us more with life. The possible discomforts of our pregnancy are forgotten in these moments of communication.

Don't forget, to have a healthy pregnancy you need a happy pregnancy. We have to take care of the mind and body in this delicate stage of our life, full of emotions and sometimes contradictory sensations. I hope that these tips to achieve a healthy and happy pregnancy encourage you to face this stage of your lives with an optimistic and vital spirit


6 things you should know about your health

Today we want to talk to you about six things you should know to maintain good health, we must bear in mind that the information that we are going to present below cannot be taken at face value, since there is always to eat food in moderation and in reasonable amounts, remember there are no harmful foods, what is harmful are excesses when ingested.

Our Health Coaching department advises you:

1.- Drinking coffee reduces headaches. It is more effective and natural than many pills that one takes daily to calm this bad. Caffeine has components that help your system relax.

2.- Women who eat chocolate five days a week are thinner than those who do not eat it frequently. This is because chocolate fights cardiovascular health (contains antioxidants, antithrombotics) that prevents obesity. We must emphasize that we are referring to dark chocolate, which contains more cocoa.

3.- Gently massaging your scars is the most effective way to make them disappear. It works better than putting on creams or oils. This is due to the fact that with movement the tissues tune themselves. Let us bear in mind that for this to happen the person has to be very well hydrated, their skin will recover sooner and better when it is in better condition.

4.- Exercising daily is key to the well-being of the body. Doing it from an early age improves the functioning of your brain and blood circulation.

5.- Sitting for a long time makes you have a shorter life prognosis. This reduces the efficiency of your body's biological processes. If you work sitting in an office, walk for ten minutes every two to three hours. This is related to the fact that a sedentary lifestyle leads us to overweight and / or obesity and the complications of these weight states lead us to have health problems.

6.- The fact of drinking tea daily stimulates your brain and improves its functioning. Consuming it will help you achieve a better performance in your work.

It is very important to keep our diet in mind to take care of our health.

Dr. Manuel Rubio

Aesthetic Doctor

COMB 45659



Indications and contraindications of the Intragastric Balloon (BIG)

From our CIME Clinic Health Coaching service, we want to explain BIG.


The 6 things you should know about the Coronavirus - Covid 19

Many patients have asked us these questions more frequently that we want to share with you about Coronavirus - Covid 19:

What is known about the virus?

Covid-19 is transmitted by respiratory droplets during close unprotected contact between infected and susceptible people. 80% of the cases are classified as mild or moderate, 13.8% as severe and only 6.1% as critical.

Risk groups that could present with severe clinical conditions or death include people over 60 years of age or suffering from comorbidities such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, chronic lung disease, cancer or other immunosuppressive states.

What is covid-19?
Covid-19 is the infectious disease that was discovered in Wuhan (China) in December 2019, as a result of the virus outbreak that began to kill large numbers of people.


How is the coronavirus spread?

Covid-19 is spread by the contact of a healthy person with another who is infected. This disease is spread from person to person by droplets from the nose or mouth when the sick person coughs or exhales.

In many cases, these droplets fall on objects or surfaces, which then touch other individuals and are carried to the nose, eyes or mouth when they pass their hands over the face.

How to prevent coronavirus?

To protect ourselves from the coronavirus, the WHO (World Health Organization) gave a series of recommendations, among which the following stand out: washing hands, covering the nose when sneezing, cooking meat and eggs well, and avoiding close contact with wild animals. or farm.

To protect us from the coronavirus, the WHO gave a series of recommendations among which the following stand out:

-Hand washing, covering the nose when sneezing, cooking meat and eggs well, and avoiding close contact with wild or farm animals.
-Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections.
-Wash your hands frequently, especially after direct contact with sick people or their environment. This should be done with soap and water.
-Also, use a good alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
-Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses designated the name of this new coronavirus as SARS-CoV-2.

Should I wear a mask to protect myself from the coronavirus?

If you do not have respiratory symptoms characteristic of COVID-19 (cough) or need to care for someone who is infected, it is not necessary to wear a mask.

The WHO recommends avoiding their use, because in this pandemic, these implements may be in short supply. Now remember that if you use one, it is disposable; that is, it can only be used once.

How long does the coronavirus survive on a surface?

It is not yet known exactly how long this new virus survives on a surface, but it appears to behave like other coronaviruses.

Studies indicate that they can survive from a few hours to several days. The time may vary depending on the conditions (type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment).

 Coronavirus Clinica CIME

Ask for your informative medical appointment.

Dr. Manuel Rubio

Aesthetic Doctor

Col 45659

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