It is important to know what are the indications and contraindications of the Intragastric Balloon, from our Health Coaching service of the CIME Clinic we want to explain to you the Intragastric Balloon (BIG).

The Intragastric Balloon is indicated to treat obesity, it is a non-surgical and non-pharmacological treatment. The Intragastric Balloon is designed to cause temporary weight loss in obese patients, by partially filling the stomach and helping them feel a feeling of fullness.

The Intragastric Balloon is a soft silicone balloon that is introduced to the stomach through an endoscopy, without surgery. Then the balloon is filled with saline and methylene blue according to the capacity of each patient, using a total volume between 400 to 700 cc causing a feeling of satiety or lack of hunger.

This ball is made of high-quality silicone, durable and resistant to stomach acid. The procedure usually takes 15 minutes, it only needs analgesia and mild sedation and we perform it on an outpatient basis, that is, without the need for hospitalization.

The Intragastric Balloon treatment is designed to be used in conjunction with a long-term supervised diet and in the context of a habit modification program, to help the patient maintain weight loss once the balloon is removed. After six months the balloon can be deflated and can be removed endoscopically without difficulty, in an outpatient procedure that lasts about 15 minutes and is similar to the placement.


Intragastric Balloon treatment is indicated in:

  • The patient who is overweight or obese, that is, with a body mass index greater than 28.
  • In patients with severe obesity conditions who need to lose weight to achieve appropriate clinical conditions before undergoing bariatric surgery.
  • Be willing to comply with a serious, medically supervised program.


You may not be a candidate for the procedure if you have any of the following medical conditions:

  • Pregnancy
  • Drug or alcohol addiction during the last 12 months.
  • Chronic long-term steroid treatment.
  • Diagnosis of severe kidney, liver or lung disease.
  • History of gastrointestinal surgery, obstruction, adhesive peritonitis or large hiatal hernia.

Intragastric Balloon treatment is performed on an outpatient basis, without the need for hospitalization.


Dr. Manuel Rubio

Medical director

Col 45659


937 063 850


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