Let's start with the basics… what is hyaluronic acid? what is your function?

I want us to start at the beginning, so that later you will understand when I explain why I cannot use the same product and / or the same amount to treat different regions of the face.

Go for it…

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a protein that we find naturally in the skin, eyes, umbilical cord and connective tissue.

Among its main functions we find:

  • Create volume by its ability to absorb water.
  • Joint and tendon lubrication
  • Cell protection, allowing the cell to move and divide.
  • Elasticity, especially on the skin. It favors the exchange of nutrients and the capacity for dermal regeneration.
  • Gives shape and structure to the eyeball.
  • It helps the immune system, by hindering the mobility of bacteria.
  • Hyaluronic acid has a very short half-life in the skin. Its duration is less than 24 hours.

We have 3 main factors that contribute to its degradation:

  1. The mechanical force. On the face it is given by the constant mimicry that we exert on it.
  2. Free radicals. Those that we generate with pollution (pollution), sun exposure (UV rays) and poor diet.
  3. Hyaluronidase (specific enzyme for HA, responsible for its cellular degradation).

This works as follows:

 And you may wonder ... what do I have to do to keep the hyaluronic acid in my skin a little more?

  • Reduce the overproduction of free radicals.

How?Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, decrease the consumption of simple carbohydrates. Avoid continuous sun exposure, use cream and barrier sunscreen. Use of cosmetics with antioxidant actives, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, Niacinamine, among others.

  • Keep the skin hydrated. Increase your water intake and hydrate daily with face and body creams. You can also incorporate serums with different HA molecules.
  • Start early treatments, by way of prevention, to hydrate and biostimulate (stimulate cells) the skin of the face. Apply mesotherapy protocols using HA-based products that may or may not have associated vitamins, amino acids and / or antioxidants.


Clinica CIME's team of doctors will assist you from day one, giving you the security and confidence you are looking for. Go ahead and rejuvenate your skin and give it the best care!

Ask for your informative medical appointment.


Dr. Claudia Paredes Marcano

Col .: 53285

Knowing the hyaluronic acid molecule


937 063 850


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