Chemical peeling is a medical treatment that involves the application of various chemical substances on the skin, with the purpose of producing an exfoliation of the superficial layers of the same.

Chemical peels generate a change in the appearance and microscopic structure of the skin. These changes can affect both the epidermis and the dermis. Its action results in a synthesis of collagen fibers and elastic fibers, histological support of the clinical improvement of the skin.

Dermatological chemical peels provide, among other things, a satiny, velvety skin, with a decrease in imperfections and, in general, a significant improvement in skin color and condition.

Here are some questions that our patients ask us:

1.– What is a medical peel for?

With the peel, we will improve the appearance and structure of the skin, correcting the effects produced by aging, acne or excess pigmentation.

2.- What will the patient notice during a peel?

A slight sensation of heat and itching tolerable, due to the effect of the acid that will disappear after the application of the neutralizer.

3.- How will the patient's skin be immediately after a peel?

The skin will be tight, red and slightly inflamed. Depending on the depth of the peeling, a certain peeling can also be observed. All these effects will disappear after a few hours.

4.- How will the patient's skin be when the time has elapsed since the peeling?

Renewed, with a reduction of wrinkles and pigmentary alterations. The hue, shine, and texture of the skin improve markedly and the size of the pores is reduced.

5.- Can anyone undergo a peel?

People with herpes, warts, open wounds, a history of hypertrophic and keloid scars or who have undergone cryotherapy or surgery in the last month should not undergo peeling with glycolic acid, although it will always be the specialist who assesses the exclusion criteria.

6.- From what age can the skin be subjected to a peel?

For the application of this technique, the important thing is not the patient's age but the condition of the skin, since in cases of young people with hyperpigmentation or acne problems it may be the best solution.

7.- Do all people get the same effects with a peel?

No, since depending on the state of the skin, different degrees of improvement will be achieved. In any case and however damaged the skin is, visible effects will always be achieved.

8.- How many peels can the skin undergo?

There is no limit, although it is usual to perform a number of eight or ten peels with an interval between them that varies between one and six weeks.

9.- Where should the peel be applied?

Superficial peels can be applied to any area of ​​the skin. They are usually applied to the face, neck, and neckline, but they can also be applied to the skin on the backs of hands, arms, forearms, backs, and thighs.

10.- Who should do it?

To perform a dermatological peel, the theory and practice are inseparable. A peel is a difficult medical act in its conception and realization. Its success is conditioned by the mastery of the technical and human parameters that guarantee patient satisfaction and therefore, only the specialist doctor can perform the technique.

11.- Can peels be associated with other types of treatments?

Not only can they be associated but they enhance the effects of techniques such as lasers.

12.- What is the best time of the year to get a peel?

Autumn and winter and spring are the most recommended seasons to undergo this technique since after it the skin will be more sensitive and sun exposure is not recommended.

13.- Is it convenient to put on makeup after a peel?

It is recommended to allow about 24 hours to pass so that the skin is fully recovered.

14.- What differentiates laser peeling?

The laser deepens deeper into the skin but needs a longer recovery time while the effects of peeling are more progressive and without loss of working days.


Dr. Manuel Rubio

Aesthetic Doctor

Col 45659


937 063 850


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