CIME Clinic

Meet our Medical Director

I am Dr. Manuel Rubio Sánchez and I am a specialist in aesthetic medicine, laser, nutrition, obesity, beauty and well-being; I am also currently the Medical Director of the CIME Clinic.

CIME Clinic

Interview with Dr. Manuel Rubio in Top Doctor magazine

Meet the Medical Director of CIME Clinic, Dr. Manuel Rubio, through the interview he was made in the Top Doctor magazine.

CIME Clinic

Interview with Dr. Felipe Galiano - Plastic Surgeon

Explain who you are and what functions you perform at Clínica CIME.

I am Dr. Felipe Galiano, I am a plastic surgeon, of Colombian nationality, and I am in charge of the surgical field of the services offered by the CIME clinics.

How and when did you decide that you wanted to dedicate yourself to the world of aesthetics?

From a very young age and even before starting my medical career, I was fascinated by the surgical field. Being able to intervene, modify and heal not only with medications but with my own hands, for which I studied medicine with the clear idea of ​​being a surgeon in the future.

I believe in the theory that as humans we have multiple aptitudes or intelligences, and since childhood I have had an inclination and facility in the field of logical-mathematical and spatial intelligences. Perhaps this is why I fell in love with the world of plastic surgery, which plans all its interventions based strictly on geometric concepts to modify, repair or reconstruct the form and function of the human anatomy.

In particular, the field of cosmetic surgery has been extremely striking to me due to the level of demand to which each procedure is subjected and for having had the opportunity to learn this art from the hand of some of its great exponents.

How would you define yourself professionally?

I am organized, empathetic and responsible. I try to be rigorous in my diagnoses and interventions and I pay a lot of attention to details when working. Above all, I try to live up to the trust my patients place in me.

What has been the key moment of your career?

There are multiple key moments in my career, among which I would highlight having been able to carry out my internship year in the best hospital in Colombia at the time, working side by side and learning from doctors of the highest level in all specialties in a very high environment. requirement.

Later my training period in Argentina, where I fully entered the world of plastic surgery at the hands of experienced surgeons, with a true vocation to teaching, who shared their knowledge without any selfishness.

Finally, my rotation in Barcelona at the Tapia Institute, of which I am also currently a part, allowed me to see the way of working of these elite surgeons and to become more interested in the aesthetic field.

What do you like most about your profession?

The ability that we are given as physicians to use our knowledge based on scientific evidence to improve the quality of life of our patients. Not only help to live, but to live better.

How are CIME clients treated?

Our patients are treated with the highest level of ethics, professionalism and honesty. We understand our work as that of doctors, not merchants, which is why we always try to be successful in performing only those interventions that will be of real benefit to our patients, explaining the pros and cons of each procedure and providing realistic expectations and careful results.

How is Clínica CIME different from other clinics? What are its differential points?

The greatest value of Clínica CIME resides in its human resources. We all work as a true cohesive and articulated team to provide the highest quality of care. Our administrative and assistance staff shows the same level of dedication and vocation, which allows us to work in a warm and welcoming environment, but at the same time demanding and strict.

How do you apply your knowledge to your day to day?

I try to lead a healthy lifestyle, follow the same advice on diet and physical activity that I ask my patients, along with preventive actions such as the use of sunscreen and nutritional supplementation.

How can Clínica CIME help to improve the internal and external appearance of its patients?

We do it starting with an exhaustive interview that leads us to identify the reasons that bring our patients to the consultation; Later, in our clinical examination, we objectively identify the possible topics to be treated, and then offer a detailed explanation of our analysis and make or not therapeutic decisions.

What are the top treatments? And the seasonal ones?

Depending on the season, patients decide to prepare for the summer with consultations mainly about body contouring surgery, or take advantage of the colder months to undergo dermatological treatments or exeresis of skin lesions that would prevent them from being exposed to the sun. However, maintaining the same frequency of consultations throughout the year, the most requested intervention is eyelid surgery.

How important is the environment when performing aesthetic treatments?

Patients must be aware of their environment in multiple aspects when performing aesthetic treatments. In general, they should avoid sun exposure, limit physical and social activity, take extreme care and clean the treated area. They should also inform their closest relatives or spouses and schedule their work activity according to the type of intervention.

Any future project that can be revealed?

I plan to continue growing in my field, making myself known more, continuing training to stay up-to-date on the therapeutic options available and continuing to surround myself in the workplace with high-level and renowned colleagues.


Dr Felipe Galiano Cirujano Plastico CIME Barcelona Badalona 

Dr Felipe Galiano Plastic Surgeon CIME Barcelona Badalona

International Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine - CIME Clinic

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